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Branch of NZAGC

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Auckland Gifted Links


Gifted Education Centre (MindPlus, Small Poppies, GiftedOnline). Weekday or online programmes for gifted children.

TKI – Te Kete Ipurangi: Gifted and Talented Community. The Ministry of Education’s source for gifted education in NZ for students, parents and teachers.

giftEDNZ – Professional association for gifted education

Learning Network – good resource for books on giftedness and professional future education

Mensa NZ – non-profit organisation for people with IQ in the top 2%

SAGE – Secondary Auckland Gifted Educators and Gifted Education Consultant

Explorers Auckland Home

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Auckland Home Educators Inc. A non-profit, voluntary group, providing information & ongoing support for prospective & current Home Educators (aka Homeschoolers). This fulfilling & flexible learning lifestyle is enjoyed by around 2,000 kids in the Auckland region.

Edusearch provides links to and information about all aspects of education in NZ from pre-school to tertiary.

Learning and Behaviour Charitable Trust NZ – provides the information and resources you may need if you know someone with a learning or behaviour difficulty.

Bubbledome – offers a wide range of school holiday courses, after-school workshops, in-school workshops, and teacher training workshops.

Postgraduate Diploma in Specialist Teaching (Gifted and Talented) – Massey University
Entry to the programme requires a relevant professional qualification and a New Zealand undergraduate degree or equivalent. 
This is a part-time distance qualification which includes face-to-face block courses and online course work. Diploma Information

REACH Education Consultancy An agency created specifically to support schools in working successfully with gifted learners. Drawing on international research and 30 years of experience in this field, REACH puts its focus on providing schools with sound practical strategies – strategies that are effective and interesting for both learners and teachers!

UK National Association for Gifted Children  – NAGC is a national charity covering England, Wales and Northern Ireland whose long term objective is to ensure that appropriate provision is made for children to develop their gifts and talents to the maximum –

World Council for Gifted and Talented Children – “a diverse organization networking the globe with an active membership of educators, scholars, researchers, parents, educational institutions and others interested in giftedness”

SENG – dedicated to fostering environments in which gifted adults and children, in all their diversity, understand and accept themselves and are understood, valued, nurtured, and supported by their families, schools, workplaces and communities. 

Contact us

Membership enquiries

Nicola Paston 

General enquiries

Dalila Zaghal 

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